Making Lilac Sugar is a really simple way of capturing the floral fragrance and making an ingredient that can be used to add it to a range of baked goods and puddings.
- Caster sugar
- Lilac flowers (as with any edible flowers, make sure that you know that these have not been sprayed with pesticides etc)
- Wash your lilacs and pull the little flowers off the stems.
- Sterilise your jam-jar.
- Put a layer of caster sugar in the bottom of your jam-jar (about 1 cm deep). Next add a similar layer of flowers. Repeat until you have filled your jar.
- Put a lid on your jar and leave it in a cool place (larder or cupboard) for at least one week. At the end of this time, the sugar will have been infused with the perfume of the flowers.
- When you wish to use your sugar, you can sift it through a wide-meshed sieve to remove the flowers.
You can sterilise your jam-jar by washing it in warm, soapy water, rinsing well and then drying off for 15 minutes in an oven set at 140C/120C fan/gas 1.
Although preparation time is only 15 minutes, you will need to leave the sugar for around a week to allow the lilac flavour to infuse.